Walking your DINOS

If like me you are unable to walk in busy parks or highly populated off lead areas, then you need to consider alternatives.

For my two DINOS I walk around the town in which I live, or I drive to the country side and walk through country lanes or I choose a walk from a walking website, details can be found on the links to the right of the page.   These types of walks are ideal, especially if you can get a couple of friends to join you! Beware of walks which are tailor made for dogs.

Some other alternatives which you may consider….

  • Walking off peak, so that you are less likely to see other dogs
  • Buying your dog a back pack to intensify his walks and give him a job to do
  • Jogging with your dog, known as cani x
  • Cycling with your dog
  • Investing in good equipment such a double ended lead so you can attach to a harness and a halti/collar
  • Agility kit in your garden
  • Treadmill
  • Training sessions with your dog
  • Avoiding parks or busy off lead areas

It is far better for you and your dog to enjoy a couple of good walks than to have numerous stressful ones.

Dexie, Ringo, Sammy, Max, Lilly